ScoutsCymru in partnership with Natural Resources Wales have launched a Flood Awareness Badge. The Award has been developed to increase flood awareness and learn about the preventative actions that can be put in place. The Award is open to Cubs and Scouts.
How can i get involved in the Flood Awareness Award?
Complete all the actions to be awarded with your Flood Awareness Badge
Once completed the badge can be ordered from ScoutsCymru Headquarters by calling 01446 795277 or email The badge should be worn on uniform as an occasional badge.
Complete all the actions to be awarded with your Flood Awareness Badge
a) Prepare a poster or leaflet informing others about the flood risk in their area. You could include such information as where would the water come from. What they should do if a flood happens. How would they be warned that a flood is going to happen?
b) Prepare a flood plan for your home, or somewhere that could be affected by flooding. Make sure everybody knows what to do. You can use the template available on Environment Agency Wales’ website as a guide.
Once completed the badge can be ordered from ScoutsCymru Headquarters by calling 01446 795277 or email The badge should be worn on uniform as an occasional badge.
You can download a copy of the Flood Awareness Leaflet & answer sheets below. There are also a small supply available on a first come first served basis by contacting the ScoutsCymru office.
Cost of Badge – £1.00 Plus P&P