We have multiple funding opportunities here at ScoutsCymru. The ScoutsCymru grants fund helps to develop local scouting and safeguard it for the future, giving more young people and volunteers the opportunity to develop.

What we fund

New sections – We want to help you grow Scouting in your local areas so we provide a one off £200 starting grant to any new section.  

Inclusive Scouting – Inclusion is key to our Scout values, and we want to encourage groups to deliver new projects and extend their reach in communities. A grant of £250 is available.  

Adult Support – The aim of this fund is to help you with the recruitment, induction, training and retention of volunteers. A grant of £250 is available for groups.  

Capital and Equipment projects – Groups, Districts and Areas sometimes need to carry out large capital projects and this fund aims to support these alongside fundraising.  

Small Grants Fund – The Small Grants Fund is designed to provide young people with the experience of completing a grant application and presenting their proposal. Each Regional Commissioner in Wales will be allocated a share of this fund and will organise and run a grants process and event in their own region.

Dates to note

Each year the Grants Fund runs from the 1st April to the 31st March in line with the financial year. Within the year there will be four rounds.  

Applications need to be received to ScoutsCymru HQ by the following dates in 2025;

  • 23.00hrs 25 January
  • 23.00hrs 20 April
  • 23.00hrs 6 July
  • 23.00hrs 28 September

ScoutsCymru Resilience Fund

The ScoutsCymru Resilience Grant fund has been set up to support our groups to prevent rising costs becoming a barrier for young people in accessing opportunities to gain skills for life by contributing to overhead costs.

There is no specified maximum grant limit from this fund, however groups should be aware that due to demand they may not receive the entire amount applied for.

A group may only be awarded a maximum of one grant from this fund per term. Applications will be considered outside of the normal grant schedule.

Apply now

I love Scouting in Wales because we give our young people as well as our adult volunteers opportunities to develop a wide range of Skills for life including decision making, problem solving, communication, leadership skills and so much more! But most of all our core values are as relevant now as they were in 1907, when Scouting was founded by Lord Baden Powell

Kristofor Hall-Ellis n- Youth Commissioner of Wales