Well done to Joe Lunn of 1st Presteigne Scout Group in Radnor who leaves Beavers with a jumper full of badges after earning every single Beaver award and badge, just in time to move on to Cubs.
The almost-eight-year-old has been a member of 1st Presteigne, in Radnor, for two years. During this time he has worked towards everything from Book Reader and Builder to Safety and Sports, successfully completing all the elements needed to earn 23 activity badges and all four staged badges.
Joe has also earned all six of the Beaver Challenge Awards, which lead to him receiving the Bronze Chief Scout Award, the highest award a Beaver can gain. Amazingly, he achieved all of this when the group was going through a transition of not having a regular leader, with District volunteers stepping in to help, until Kirsty Lockwood joined as Beaver leader.
Joe said: “’I have loved Beavers, and really enjoyed getting my badges. I found some of them a challenge, especially learning knots as they are really hard. I really loved the rocket experiment, cooking pancakes and camping.”
He’s now transitioning to Cubs and has already made a start on the badges.
Joe’s Beaver leader, Kirsty Lockwood, said: “Joe embodies everything that it means to be a Scout. He is keen and positive in all the activities he has tried. He is a popular team member and in the later terms at Beavers became a real leader of his peers and the younger members. We are really sad to see him leave the section but know that our loss is Cubs’ gain. We are very proud of all that he has achieved.”
Paula Ann Dodd, Lead Volunteer at 1st Presteigne Scout Group, added: “This is a fantastic achievement showing a huge commitment to Scouting through online and face to face meetings, inspiring others in his section with his hard work and commitment. He has even inspired his mum to become the group’s first ever Squirrel leader in the new drey.
“Now his next challenge is to gain as many Cubs badges as possible over the next couple of years.”
His mum Becky added: “I am very proud of Joe. He’s been with Beavers for almost two years and has thrived. He has really enjoyed his time and has worked very hard on the badges. He’s done many in the group but also many at home and has already started a Cub badge at home. He has also been looking at my old Cub jumper I have with all my badges and comparing some of them. He has loved showing his badges off to family and his younger siblings who are both exciting to start their own. His brother is already at Squirrels and has almost got all his badges, and his sister will be starting Squirrels in September.
“His Beaver leader Kirsty has been fantastic and very encouraging and the Presteigne team have all been supportive of him. Scouting has given him a lot of confidence and opportunities. He has met lots of other youngsters he didn’t know before and has even been on sleepovers with the District not knowing the other members.
She added: “I did sew every badge onto his uniform and now they are in an envelope waiting to go onto his camp blanket. That may take me a little longer, I have not got him to help with sewing yet!”
Do you know a young person who has achieved all their badges? Let us know in the comments on social media.
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