Are you a leader lacking confidence in Safe use of Knives? Do you need to demonstrate competence to convince your GSL to allow you to teach Beavers Fire Lighting? Are your Cubs saying “no more s’mores!”.
Come along to a Bushscout Skills Day and we will teach you skills around traditional practical skills that your Young People will love to learn. We will show you safe techniques, as well as progression that will allow you to apply these skills to all ages.
Bushscout, the National SASU delivering safe Practical Skills are currently running the following courses
CRAI Skills Weekend – March 23rd and 24th
Cox Wood Skills Weekend – April 6th and 7th
West Wales Skills Weekend – May 11th and 12th
The day will cover:
Come along and see why Bushscout is the fastest growing trend within UK Scouting. For further information contact