When you work at ScoutsCymru, staff team days tend to be a little… different!
All 12 members of the ScoutsCymru staff team took part in the All Wales Air Rifle competition last week as part of a team strategy day at our headquarters in Caerphilly.
Rather than sitting around a board room all day, ScoutsCymru wanted to follow the lead we set with our young members by taking part in an activity that was new to the majority of staff, helped them step outside of their comfort zone, and gave them confidence by doing something they didn’t know they could do.
The staff team was keen to take part in the annual national All Wales Air Rifle competition, which sees Scouts, Explorers, Network members and leaders across Wales competing to see who has the most accurate shot.
Groups have been competing throughout February, March and April, either at their local range or with a mobile range coming to their Scout premises. There are separate categories for Scouts, Explorers, Network and leaders, and a choice of shooting distance and position. Each participant competes for their group or unit against others in Wales, with both novice and more experienced shooters welcome to participate.
The results will be announced within the next week or so, with more than 500 competitors finding out whether they have the most on-target shot in Wales.
Air rifle shooting was new to the majority of ScoutsCymru staff, with only a couple having tried it previously. Some staff surprised themselves by discovering a hidden talent for shooting on target, while others who found it challenging to start with made progression throughout the session.
Above all, it was a reminder that new experiences are valuable at all ages and of why the opportunities offered by Scouting are so important.
Many thanks to Tony Hodge, Lead Volunteer for Brecknock Scouts, for his expertise and guidance in running the staff session.