All Team Members

Emily Davies
Programme Team Member 14-25
Kevin Field
Lead Volunteer North Wales - Lead Volunteer Clwyd
Helen Gough
Scouting Support Officer West Wales

The Scouting Support Team promotes and supports local Scouting across Wales. They work at a grass roots and national level to support the do-ers, give it a go-ers and get back up and try again-ers to achieve their section, Group, District, Area and Regional Plans. They offer resources, guidance, feedback, ideas and gentle challenge so that Scouting can offer amazing, inclusive, safe and inspiring opportunities to more young people across Wales each year. Day to day the team are out and about, working hand in hand with local groups across Wales, helping them grow, adapt and showcase the incredible work that is done by our fantastic teams of volunteers. From supporting new groups and helping to open new sections to Programme support or external workshops and talks with young people, schools and third party stakeholders they are there to help.

The Scouting Support Team promotes and supports local Scouting across Wales. They work at a grass roots and national level to support the do-ers, give it a go-ers and get back up and try again-ers to achieve their section, Group, District, Area and Regional Plans. They offer resources, guidance, feedback, ideas and gentle challenge so that Scouting can offer amazing, inclusive, safe and inspiring opportunities to more young people across Wales each year. Day to day the team are out and about, working hand in hand with local groups across Wales, helping them grow, adapt and showcase the incredible work that is done by our fantastic teams of volunteers. From supporting new groups and helping to open new sections to Programme support or external workshops and talks with young people, schools and third party stakeholders they are there to help.

Rich Hebden
Projects Team Lead
Stephen Holmes
Programme Team Member – Events
Neil Horbury
Programme Team Lead
Steve Jones
Programme Team Member - International
Ann Jones OBE
Vice President

Ann Jones was born and brought up in Rhyl on the North Wales coast, where she has lived all her life.

She worked for nearly 30 years in fire control rooms in north Wales and Merseyside until her election to the National Assembly for Wales in 1999. Before being elected to the Assembly, Ann served as a Rhyl Town Councillor and was the town’s Mayor in 1996/7. She was also a Denbighshire County Councillor. Ann Jones was a Member of the National Assembly for Wales between May 1999 and April 2021.

While championing her local community, Ann Jones has worked tirelessly with the Welsh Government to attract major investment to the area with real success. Ann Jones was Deputy Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales during the Fifth Assembly.

Ann Jones was born and brought up in Rhyl on the North Wales coast, where she has lived all her life.

She worked for nearly 30 years in fire control rooms in north Wales and Merseyside until her election to the National Assembly for Wales in 1999. Before being elected to the Assembly, Ann served as a Rhyl Town Councillor and was the town’s Mayor in 1996/7. She was also a Denbighshire County Councillor. Ann Jones was a Member of the National Assembly for Wales between May 1999 and April 2021.

While championing her local community, Ann Jones has worked tirelessly with the Welsh Government to attract major investment to the area with real success. Ann Jones was Deputy Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales during the Fifth Assembly.

Maddie Malpas
Youth Team Member
Rachel Merriott
Head of Scouting Support - Pennaeth Cefnogaeth Sgowtio
Shanty Neale
Projects Support and Fundraising Officer
Iestyn Nevatte
Communications Assistant