We have worked with PHW, St John Ambulance – Cymru and the Army Cadet Force (Cymru) to produce a badge to enhance young people’s knowledge of public health.

There are two awards, one for 4-11 year olds and one for 11-18 year olds and the badge has three main topics – Protection, Prevention and Improvement with a small project to bring all they have learned together at the end, in those topics young people can work on safe relationships, mental well being, taking care of their body amongst other topics.  It is our aim, over time to provide direct links to The Scouts programme so that you can easily see how working on the PHW badge will correspond to our own badges.

The Merit Award curriculum instructions can be found below and badges can be obtained from the ScoutsCymru HQ team – admin@scoutscymru.org.uk

We are very excited by this new partnership and what it offers to our members. You may also remember we advertised the opportunity to submit a badge design for the Merit Award – this competition attracted a large number of entries and was won by Chloe from 2nd Pembroke. Chloe’s design was made into the Merit Award badge which is now being awarded to young people from youth organisations across Wales.

As this is a Public Health Wales scheme, we are periodically asked to take part in evaluation exercises with their evaluation partners – Liverpool John Moores University, sometime this is to talk to adults on other occasions it is to talk to young people, if this is something you would be interested in supporting, please let us know.

Public Health Curriculum CYM

Public Health Wales Curriculum ENG